Items you cannot trade
There are a vast number of items that cannot be traded within Runescape and these items are often used by people to try and scam other unsuspecting players out of more valuable items. Generally, items that are untradable do sometimes catch people out via 'Drop Trades'.
As everyone should be aware, drop trading is against Jagex rules and if you are ever asked to drop trade an item then you should be extra cautious as the person asking you is likely trying to scam you. Drop trading is outlawed by Jagex as that is the top method used by players to transfer items to other accounts held by them.
There are various reasons why some items are untradable - namely it is quest specific items and they are untradable as otherwise it would be too easy to complete quests as you could simply borrow items from friends and return when finished using it.
Players should note that member items cannot be traded on free to play servers but that does not indicate whether they are untradable or simply a member only item.
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