Price Stability in Runescape
The price of items in runescape is rarely ever constant. Players should always check out the price of items before they make any large purchase. This will ensure they get value for their money and in the case of resources, that they get the most efficient experience return available to them.
There are numerous items that have gained some stability over time, however they sometimes change depending on actual game changes in runescape itself. The most stable prices belong to resources and the standard armour (bronze through to rune).
One reason for the price stability is the increase in new items that make the traditional items less desired and therefore with lower demand and an increase in people able to supply the items, the standard items have reached their optimal market price.
The items people should take particular care with when trading are new items and generally high priced items. New items will always tend to start of at a high price and after a week to ten days will start to settle down ad gravitate towards the optimal price. However, there is likely to be no true optimal price for items other than resources and standard equipment as the true value will always be how the buyer perceives it.
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