Saturday, November 24, 2007

Party Hat Prices

The prices for party hats in runescape have recently lowered with the exception of the white party hat. It is currently very difficult to predict how the planned grand exchange market system will impact on the long term merchantability of all rare items in runescape and especially the party hats.

The grand exchange system will definately open up trading within the game, although it is still too early to say how the overall pricing of items will be impacted as nobody outside of Jagex has a clear knowledge on how the system will work exactly.

This uncertainty has caused many price fluctuations for various items - with some merchants getting rid of items they deem to be at risk, while other players stock up on items they need for skills or are wanting to risk the impact of the grand exchange.

Obviously, the most desired items in terms of rare items are still the party hats and it is these prices that most merchants base their investment decisions. One of the best ways to keep track of item prices for runescape is the grand exchange in EoC or via 07 runescape marketplace. This is a database that is updated daily to reflect a price guide of items, although it is not a price bible, it certainly helps many thousands of players get a more fair price than if simply bartering ingame.

The grand exchange may well have a large impact in prices and many players may opt to use the exchange system, however, there will still be a place for the other price guides and street price guides to help people who wish to trade outside the of the exchange system.


Anonymous said...

"The grand exchange may well have a large impact in prices and many players may opt to use the exchange system, however, there will still be a place for the zybez priceguide to help people who wish to trade outside the of the exchange system."

unfortunatley this will not be possible with the unbalanced-trading restriction update.

Latona said...

Yes, the unbalanced trade system was something that nobody really envisaged. It does mean that players will be forced to trade within some price range - and this looks like it will most likely be tied in with the grand echange prices.